Let kids Xperience the meaning of Bible stories through arts and crafts. The kids will have an opportunity to create their own Kidsville. Each day, the kids will make a craft that becomes a part of their Kidsville and will remind them of their week in VBX. The craft will reinforce the meaning of Bible stories learned at Adventures with Dr. Luke. Alternate crafts are also described for churches that prefer the daily traditional crafts vs. the week-long craft.
Day 1: Make a person
Alternate Craft—Dog collar paracord bracelets (not shown)
Day 2: Make your home
Alternate Craft—Mini Shoebox Bank (not shown)
Day 3: Make a boat
Alternate Craft—Bandana (not shown)
Day 4: Make a cross and signs
Alternate Craft—Penny Cross or Cross Bird Feeder (not shown)
Day 5: Make a town
Alternate Craft—Cup and Straw (not shown)